Lil’ Lovebugs

I made some bugs and they’re kinda cute not to mention that they’re in luuuuv. This is a quick and easy little modelling tutorial for all the little love bugs out there for this upcoming Valentine’s day. I’ve never really been a big fan of Valentine’s Day. Partially for the fact that my husband always needs to … Read More

Spoooooky Halloween Cupcakes

A quick and spoooooky cupcake tutorial in 2 styles to get you in the mood for Halloween! All you need are a few tools, some dust and fondant and you’re on your way! It’s a nice and easy tutorial to try out with your kids over Halloween.  Enjoy! BOoooooooOOoooOoooooooOoooOoooooo!

Gone Fishin’

Fishing and computers… ?  Hmmm…. Isn’t it funny how some people affect the course your life takes. When I first came to Ireland on holidays 16 years ago, I thought I’d try my hand at living in Galway for a while and went to print off my CV (Resumé) at a photo lab.  The manager printed … Read More