Happy New Year to all of my cake-y friends!!  To celebrate, I’ve put together a little compilation video of some of my favourite cakes that I’ve made throughout 2016.  It’s great to see them altogether.  But I have to tell you, that while I was looking through them, I found myself criticising each one with what I could have done better or changes I would have made.  “I didn’t have enough time, “Halloween got in the way” or “It’s Tuesday”!   🙂    So… this year I’m going to make some changes.

Things can get over-thought and over-worked sometimes…  Like, do you ever find yourself making sure there’s enough time after making a cake, to clean the entire kitchen to a sparkling shine, before an order was being collected.  Because God forbid that they would realise that it ACTUALLY takes the entire contents of every cabinet and every tool that you own, to be on the counter in order to complete a cake order.  No wonder people often undervalue the time it takes to make one of these creations.  We’re making it look too easy!  HA!

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With 2 small kids and another self-employed job, I’ve already had to make some changes and reduce the number of cakes that I do to make this cake world work for me.  Now, I have the time to create them to a standard that I’m reasonably happy with and not rush them.  It works for me most of the time.  Luckily, I am in a position to be able to do this.  I know that many people don’t have the second income option and I completely admire them for fitting in so many cakes in a week to the amazing standards that they do.  But I find that I often lose track of time and get sucked into a cake.  (Not so great for charging for my time!!)  But those are the bits that I love to do and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Now, don’t get me wrong… I’m having a blast here and things are going great. But I figure, there’s no harm in having goals and making improvements.  Even making an attempt to make changes is something to be proud of – right?!  There’s always room for improvement!  Now, I wouldn’t normally be one for making resolutions other than the usual ones that get me up and exercising for the month of January alone. 

screen-shot-2017-01-06-at-20-09-34  gruffalo-class  Gone-Fishin-Coming-Soon

So… for my new year’s CAKE resolutions I’m going to:
a) be more organised (Yeah right… I always say this)

b) keep pushing my limits and get out of my cake comfort zones

c) don’t compare myself to other cakers and just concentrate on my own work

d) keep a better schedule and stop procrasti-caking, a.k.a. leaving cakes to the last minute (again… I always say this)

So  Happy New Year everyone!!  Here’s to another exciting year in cake and not being so hard on ourselves all the time.  We’re doing great, so let’s keep it up!


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